Anastacia Narayan

Real Estate Agent
Best WA Properties brokered by eXp Realty


Work Phone: 888-317-5197
Email: Email Anastacia
Website: Visit Website


Anastacia is a renowned real estate agent and the founder of Best WA Properties brokered by eXp Realty, a real estate team based in Washington State. Anastacia has built a reputation for providing exceptional service and achieving outstanding results for her clients.

Anastacia’s vision was to provide a personalized and innovative approach to buying and selling properties in Washington State. With her extensive knowledge of the local real estate market and her unwavering commitment to her clients, Anastacia has successfully built a thriving business that has become a trusted name in the industry.

Under Anastacia's leadership, Best WA Properties has grown to become a team of highly experienced real estate professionals who share her passion for delivering exceptional results. The agency offers a range of services, including buying and selling residential and commercial properties, and real estate investment consulting.